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When you think of an Industrial Power Company, you might not imagine a deeply connected and intimate team. After all, projects scatter team members across various job sites and fostering a sense of community can be quite challenging. 

Yet, for IPCO, Community is a core value—we understand that true strength lies in relationships and collaboration. For ten years, this notion of community has molded and shaped both the company culture and our overall success. 

The Challenge of Connection

IPCO faces a unique challenge: with team members frequently working on individual jobs in the field, opportunities for face-to-face interaction are limited. “It’s hard to get us all in one room because some of us are in the office while others are on individual job sites,” explains Rebecca Edwards, Project Administrator/Training Coordinator at IPCO. Despite this hurdle, the company is committed to strengthening their internal bonds.

To combat the natural isolation that comes with fieldwork, IPCO has implemented several strategies like quarterly, company-wide meetings, team breakfasts, and the celebration of milestones. (This fall, they are holding a clay shoot event to celebrate their 10th year in business with a day of outdoor fun and fellowship.) The leadership team is continuing to brainstorm enhancements to these gatherings that span beyond the day-to-day business at IPCO. “We are trying to think outside the box when it comes to training our team,” states Rebecca. 

Trust as a Foundation of Community

A leadership style that empowers team members is at the heart of IPCO’s community-building efforts. “Brian does an excellent job with what we formally call ‘decentralized command and control,’” Rebecca notes, referring to IPCO’s leader. This approach gives team members ownership of their projects and builds the trust necessary for a strong community. 

Every superintendent feels empowered to truly lead the job on-site, “When our guys are on a job, they understand they are the point person leading the project. They are the ones building the relationships with the GC, the other subs, and employees on the job,” Rebecca explains. This approach is unique and a testament to Brian’s ability to delegate and trust his team.

Intentional communication is key to IPCO’s community-building efforts. Brian encourages team members to communicate regularly and prioritizes face-to-face conversations when possible. Leadership also makes deliberate efforts to visit job sites and take team members to lunch on a regular basis. “Brian encourages those of us who work in the office to regularly get out to see job sites we normally wouldn’t get to,” Rebecca adds. 

On-the-Job Training

Additionally, IPCO utilizes communication and community-building when it comes to on-the-job training. We value potential more than credentials, prioritizing a willingness to learn over formal education. This approach opens doors for individuals who might otherwise face barriers to entry into the workforce.

“We see our community beyond those who are here now—we are always thinking about building the future workforce,” Rebecca says. 

IPCO is actively working to diversify our workforce and create opportunities for the next generation by encouraging women to join the field, offering internships to high school students with hands-on experience, and collaborating with local schools to showcase career opportunities as an alternative to going straight to college. 

In fact, one of IPCO’s two female summer interns is Brian’s own daughter, Elise. At 15 years old, she is already ‘pulling wire’ and getting her hands on the work. Rebecca sums it up well, “Anyone can learn anything at IPCO as long as they are willing to try.”

Work-Life Balance: Supporting the Whole Person

Perhaps most tellingly, IPCO’s commitment to community as a core value doesn’t stop at the office door. We know and value that our team members are whole people with lives outside of work. 

This is manifested by an understanding of flexibility when it comes to family care of all kinds, as well as supporting personal growth and success. “It is clear Brian and the team want us to succeed in every aspect of who we are—not just work, but in life,” Rebecca says. 

As IPCO continues to grow, we will remain committed to improving and expanding our community-building efforts. An important part of that process is continuous improvement—whether we are exploring new ways to recognize one another, partnering with high school guidance counselors, or gathering feedback from our current employees, we are always striving for a stronger internal community. 

It is not just about completing our projects—we believe in creating a supportive, empowering environment where every team member can thrive. 

That’s why Community is and always will be an IPCO core value.